Thursday, September 19, 2013

Viva Las Vegas

Sometimes a girl just needs some adventure in life. I love the feeling falling asleep in an airplane and waking up in an unknown city. From the moment I opened my eyes the first sight I saw from my  was a brightly lit runway alongside the many luxurious hotels iridescent along the strip. I saw the glitter and glitz and fell in love with Sin City. We decided to take a walk through the strip at two in the morning and there was always something to do and so many things to see. I had my doubts at first I mean who hasn't heard awful things about Vegas.
I was shying away from buying tickets to fly to Las Vegas in the hottest month of the year but there were so many good hotels showcasing their finest deals for summer travelers. One finds creative ways to keep hydrated. Contrary to the popular consent walking the strip is also quite lovely. There are so many characters and things to be missed if you take an expensive cab ride. Some of my favorite times in Las Vegas were spent walking and finding new adventures in all the nice cafe's and in the air-conditioned luxury goods malls.
Lastly as cliche as it may seam you only live once so might as well gamble a tad just to see what it is like. I made sure to gamble only small bills and actually ended up wining $119 when I only gambled 5 dollars. It might be a good idea to just take what you are willing to gamble and leave the rest of your money and debit card in the hotel room. Once its gone it usually doesn't come back.