Friday, April 11, 2014

Science Friday!

                     SCI- FRIDAY!!!!

It is always with great joy that I share my science photography. Photography and Science (of any kind I don't play favorites) are some of my favorite things to do. Days that I don't have to pick one over the other are definitely my favorites. In a perfect world a dream job for me would be doing science photography at a molecular level. In this day and age however, it is becoming increasingly unheard of. Today I am happy to share my baby. In this project we cultivated Drosophila embryos and stained them with different antibodies to see genetic patterning. In my case I was assigned HB-9 a gene encoding for neural and muscle development in fruit flies. Below are images of my fruit-fly embryos that I have captured through use of an Olympus florescent microscope using the Olympus 70x objective and a camera system within the Olympus operating system. We were most thankful for the resources provided to us through a research grant.
D. melanogaster HB- 9 Staining
D. melanogaster nerve chord formation posterior dorsal direction. 

So why Fruit-flies you may ask? In studying and researching smaller model organisms such as Fruit-flies we are able to understand more about how these same genes work and affect humans. Fruit-flies
are small and reproduce in large batches which aides scientists when doing research.

As always xoxo