Wednesday, August 20, 2014

One Month Later...

Last month I was in a terrible bike accident. I was going down hill and the chain on my bicycle got stuck. I suffered many lacerations to my face and burns to my shoulder and chest. Although, healing and recovery has been very tough. I feel very blessed this accident could have been a lot worse that it was. For a while I found it very difficult to smile about what has occurred to me. In the process of healing I have found peace in what happened. As an old mentor told me in situations like this it makes us unique, grateful and even more beautiful. Through this accident I have found my voice and I realized that I am not alone in this. Many people have shared their stories of similar situations and it has given me so much hope. I have been FLOORED with all the support and kind wishes from of my family, friends, and just the general human population through this difficult time.
The biggest lesson I have learned though this ordeal is truly to look on the brighter side. I told mentioned to my doctor that I was struggling with giving myself the time I needed to heal. I am such a busy person it was hard to sit around and relax. Meanwhile,  all I can do is think of the things I couldn't do as a result of this accident. It was then that my doctor gave me some advice that I am very grateful for. She said consider the things you are still able to do. She said I could still walk, breath, and talk to her about it. This experience has truly taught me a lot of things. It is OK to ask others for help when I am in need. It is OK to be vulnerable and uncomfortable in your own skin. It has taught me to be grateful for every day I am given and to make the most of it.